Trish threw me a baby shower last Saturday! :] We had a great turnout and my mom, sister Chelsea, and Gramma, and little bro Kevin even got to come!
With all the help from the shower and the support from so many friends and family I am feeling pretty ready for the baby. We even got our nursery pretty well organized. :] I LOVE it!!! We set up my new glider (I could live it this chair!) and the crib all set up too. All baby's clothes are washed and ready. I have a little more painting to do on the blank wall, but that's about it!! wow!! :]
We still have a few more weeks ahead (I am only 34 weeks along) but it feels sooooo good to have things ready. That nesting instinct is strong! ;]
Diaper Cake from Melinda Ringer. Can you guess how many diapers it has?
Do I look pregnant from behind???
34 weeks along with baby number one! Go Girl!! :]
P.S. there were 116 newborn diapers in the diaper "cake" :] sweet! I'm sure I'll use 'em up fast! :]